
FEA - Chapter 2 - Shepherds

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They were led out to a sizable barracks on the outer rim of the Ylissean wall as Lissa spun and stretched out her arms to the place. "Here we are! The Shepherds' garrison. Go on, make yourself at home." It was not the best type of home that they could have asked for, but it meant something as Christian plopped down on a seat while Alexander finished off his cinnamon roll, making a mental note to get some more for the road or whenever he could, commenting on the garrison itself.
"It's nice, Lissa, though is it just you, your brother, and Frederick or...?" Before more could be said, a voice spoke up from somewhere behind Lissa.
"Lissa, my treasure!" From one of the other rooms rushed out a young girl, probably of a similar age as Lissa, dressed in a noblewoman's pink attire as she embraced Lissa in what could be termed as a flying hug. "Are you all right? I've been on pins and needles!"
Lissa was more at ease with it as she spoke. "Oh, hey, Maribelle!"
"'Oh, hey' yourself! I've sprouted fourteen gray hairs fretting over you!"

"Aw, you worry too much." Lissa continued the hug as she continued. "I can handle a battle or two! ...Although I could do without the bugs and the bear barbecue..." She shook a little in the memory as another joined them, a bare-chested Fighter with yellow hair sticking out like it was wind-swept back as he leaned on the doorframe.
"Hey, squirt! Where's Chrom? I bet he had a rough time out there without ol' Teach and his trusty axe!"
Lissa took this in stride as she grinned a little. "Oh, so you're 'Teach' now, Vaike, is that it?" Lissa giggled a little as she continued. "And here I thought people were just born lacking wits. It can be taught?"
"Ha! Never doubt the Vaike!" He stopped before he replied again, clearly on to something. "...Wait, was that an insult?" Before anyone could say, another joined them, a gray-haired Pegasus Knight who walked over and spoke with worry in her eyes.
"Beg pardon, but when might we see the captain?" Maribelle spoke as she commented on the dismounted woman.

"Poor Sumia. She's simply been beside herself with concern..." She sighed as she briefly continued. "Her eyes were scanning the horizon all day during training. ...She might have earned fewer bruises fighting blindfolded."
Lissa took this in glee as she smiled to Sumia. "Aw, Sumia, that's so sweet of you to worry about Chrom." The woman stammered a bit, giving Alexander the feeling that her feelings are more than idle, professional relations.
"Worry? Well, I... He's our captain and our prince-of course I'd worry!" That didn't change the minds much before Vaike spoke again, noticing the two now in the structure.
"So, who're the strangers?"
"No one's stranger than you, Vaike... But allow me to introduce Alexander and Christian!" Lissa swept an arm toward them as Alexander bowed and Christian jumped up and gave a thumbs up. "They both joined the Shepherds. Chrom's made Alexander our new tactician and Christian's got one heck of a fighting skill. You should see all the tricks they got up their sleeves!"

"Oh yeah?" Vaike smiled as he straightened up in pride. "Can they do this?" Before all of them, Vaike emitted a loud belch and grinned, the room was quiet before a louder belch came from Christian as the youth smiled in pride before he got swatted by the back of his head as Alexander spoke, eyes closed with a frown.
"I'm sure that Vaike was in the wrong with that, but you are not allowed to encourage such behavior, we are not a bunch of ruffians, we actually HAVE a level of dignity." Alexander shook his head as he continued. "Apologies, Lady Maribelle, I can't keep my own ally in line every time, but I can be sure to try and keep the 'rude' gestures to a minimal." Maribelle cleared her throat as she returned the words.
"Well, while I cannot condole such behavior, I am pleased to know that someone has the level of understanding that can attempt to keep a 'noble' head about such things, but still, it doesn't change much." She departed as Alexander watched her leave before Sumia spoke.
"Don't take it to heart, you two. Maribelle warms to people slowly."
"Or burns too quickly!" Lissa laughed a little before she spoke again with a smile. "But yeah, just give her time." The door outside swung open once more as Chrom stepped in, Frederick following suit as Sumia spoke up.

"Ah! Captain! You've returned! I was-I mean, we were so-" Before anymore could be said as she walked over to Chrom, one of her boots stepped on a stack of papers on the floor and suddenly she tripped to the ground, the party drawing back in surprise as Sumia got back up and dusted herself off.
"Sumia! Are you all right?" Chrom sighed as he asked. "...Those boots of yours again?"
"No! I mean, yes! I mean..." She then sighed in embarrass as Chrom shook his head before he spoke again.
"All right, listen, everyone: in the morning, we'll be marching to Regna Ferox."
"Regna Ferox?" Alexander asked and Sumia answered the question, shortly forgetting her small event.

"A unified kingdom to Ylisse's north inhabited by barbarians, or so it's said."
"Warriors are what they are, and we'll need their strength to quell this new menace." Chrom hummed as he continued to explain. "Typically, the exalt would request such aid in person. But given recent events... Well, the people might worry should my sister suddenly leave the capital." They all nodded as Chrom finished. "So the task has been passed to us. Now, this mission is strictly voluntary. So if, for any-" Before Chrom could finish, Lissa cheered with a raised hand.
"I volunteer!"
"Me too! You'll be needin' ol' Teach along for such a delicate mission!"
"I'll go as well." Christian jumped at the sound of the voice with a few others as they looked about, but they were clearly missing the large-orange suit of knight armor, Alexander the only one realizing the source coming from thin air, a black-haired man with closed eyes, understanding that whatever gave the man the ability to be a phantom, it is involuntary. "...What? I've been here the whole time!" Alexander shook his head as he turned back to Chrom and raised a hand with Christian.

Sumia was more unsure as she stammered. "I... I, um..."
"Yes, Sumia?"
"It's just that... I'm not sure I'm quite ready for a proper mission just yet. I'd probably just get in the way."
Chrom nodded as he spoke, arms folded "Well, you could stay behind the main group, and if a battle is met, just watch and learn?" Chrom wasn't too certain as he continued. "Your choice, of course. But some lessons can only be learned on the battlefield."
Sumia stammered as she pressed her pointer fingers together. "W-well, if you think it wise, Captain."

Chrom gave a smile as he stuck a thumb up to Sumia. "Just stay by me and you'll be fine."
"Oh, yes!" Sumia attempted to hide her excitement, but it was vainly hidden to Alexander and Christian who gave a face like 'you pining for him?'. "I mean-Yes, sir, I'll do that!" Soon, at the break of dawn the next day, the able members headed out and headed to the north as the first step to get to Regna Ferox before they came to a long trek to which Chrom spoke.
"Is everyone ready? We've a long march ahead." Before any could speak, a voice spoke up from far behind.
"W-wait for me!" Soon, a green-armored Cavalier came charging up the way atop of his horse before they came to a skidding halt and the messy-haired man on the creature panted as Chrom was taken back.

"Why am I the last to hear about this expedition to Ferox?" Before Lissa could question it, Alexander spoke instead.
"But the one who was meant to tell you was Vaike..." He groaned in annoyance as he whipped about to the Fighter, Vaike's face jumping to nervous fright as Alexander spoke. "Did you forget to inform this man that we were heading for Ferox, Vaike?"
"The Vaike never forgets!" He rubbed the back of his head as he continued. "...I just don't always remember, is all..." Lissa groaned as well as she spoke.
"I swear, you'd forget your own name if you weren't constantly saying it yourself! Speaking of which, are you SURE you remembered your axe this time?"
"Hey! That was one time!" Vaike once again rubbed his neck as he chuckled uneasily. "...Okay, twice, but training sessions don't count. Anyway, I got it right here." He brandished a Iron Axe and smiled. "Teach is loaded and ready for action! Glad to have you along, Stahl, ol' buddy."

"That makes one of us." The man sighed as he laid on his horse. "I was in such a hurry, I had to miss breakfast! There were muffins, and cakes, and..." He gave another sigh as he finished for the time being. "Well, I can tell you all about it while we march..." Christian raised a brow before he asked.
"Your name is Stahl, right?" Before Chrom could say anything, Christian reached into his pack and pulled out a small ball of cloth before handing it to Stahl. "You're lucky, I was not starving for these three muffins, two strips of bacon, and a piece of sausage, you can have it."
Stahl looked inside and smiled. "You must be Christian and the silent guy must be Alexander, thanks for saving me some food." The party shook their heads as Stahl started to munch on the food before they arrived to a wide river, bridged over with wood, but the more pressing issue was the shambling corpses that they quickly spotted to Chrom's scoff.
"Gods, have the Risen spread this far?" Alexander turned as he addressed the name.

Frederick was the next to speak as he readied his lance. "We needed a name for this new threat, so the council gave them one."
"Everyone, remember what we're up against!"
Vaike gave a laugh as he stated his willingness. "They'll remember ME once I drive my axe into their..." It was at the point that he reached for his axe, but stopped short as he gripped empty air, his face widening in fear and surprise before Christian, getting the feel of it, spoke up.
"Chrom, you lead them into battle, I NEED to help Vaike with his weapon!"
"Keep to the rear, then! The battle is nigh!" Christian quickly sheathed his blade as he dashed to the back, grabbing Vaike as he helped search for the weapon as Alexander opened it up with a slow advance, the two Cavaliers not too okay with it, but the fruit was made to bear as the Risen came for them and they closed the gap before the Risen could even get a strike in, their numbers dropping as Alexander kept them back for the same reason, also keeping in mind Frederick's small notion that the correct weapons were used, lances for the swift swords, axes for the long lances, and swords for the sluggish axes, a weapon triangle to be more exact as the battle pressed on, the ghoulish enemies giving them little time in countering and fight back once they started to press through the north, the forts on both sides of the small bridge working out for them and the Risen. Their battle was better as Vaike yelled 'Whoa! My axe!' before he rushed ahead and showed off his strength without doubt, a near equal to Christian, as a woman in glasses joined them from behind, wielding a Fire tome, but that was a mistake for Alexander as he dodged out of the way of a swung of an axe blade, nearly getting him as he dropped his Thunder tome by mistake and found himself confronted by their leader, leaving him to dodge as Chrom and the rest didn't see what was happening as some of the Risen took to taking their attention.

He attempted to draw his sword, but it was barely out of the scabbard when a sudden strike came and slamming into the metal, cleaving it from his grip and dropping it to the ground as he grimace before he jumped back to the leader charging, the world to him slowing as he thrusted out a hand and steadied it with his other hand before the electricity sparked his palm, he calling upon his power. "You want some power, take it!" The thunder orb formed and enforced itself before he blasted it, the creature first feeling the impact before the blast back came, sending Alexander skidding back as the Risen slammed into another, Christian was fighting it when his eyes widened as the leader and its lackey seemed to freeze in the air before they both erupted in a storm of thunder and lightning, the Shepherds covering their faces from the sudden burst while Christian made a mad dash for Alexander before gripping his shoulders and speaking, eyes wide of something he knew of, but misted.
"Focus, Alexander, get it under control now!" Alexander quickly glanced at his friend as the thunder lingered, but the power calmed as his hands, though still fine, were not covered anymore as the gloves were nothing more than rags as he slipped them off and replaced them quickly as he got up. "What happened!?"
"The Risen leader came for me and I was not focusing right, my tome and sword were knocked out of my hands by sheer luck." Christian relaxed as he nodded as Chrom spoke, his eyes searching for the source of the sudden storm that started to fade slowly.
"Finally, and good riddance! But if they're appearing this far up the Northroad..." The meaning was not lost on them as Frederick spoke.
"Then no path is safe. We'll need to stay wary." They continued on, heedless of what even created that sudden burst of magical power, even Miriel, the female mage to join them, was baffled as she tried to check through her book and saying that it was a new 'phenomenon'.

Their path continued on into a grassy field when Chrom, Alexander, Lissa, and Christian stopped short, Alexander speaking. "Well, what do we have here?"
"Hey, is that what I think it is?" They walked closer to see a pegasus standing before them, but something about it was off as Chrom spoke.
"It's a pegasus, all right." He glanced to the side and noticed that it's rear right leg seemed to be limping. "I think it's hurt. Let's just have a look here..." But his approach must have spooked the poor thing as it reared back, using it's wings to support it as it kicked its front legs at Chrom, he dodging the attack by quickly backing up. "WHOA! Down, girl! Easy there!" But nothing was working before Sumia quickly approached.
"Captain, one moment!" She got closer and before everyone, she tripped on nothing and dropped to the ground before getting back up and dusting herself off as Chrom asked.
"Sumia! Are you all right? ...Those boots of yours again?" Both Alexander and Christian face palmed as the same situation played out before them.

"No! I mean, Yes! I mean..." She sighed again as Chrom warned her.
"Well, come no closer. This beast is crazed!"
"It's okay, Captain. I can handle this..." She breathed before she approached the creature, extending out her hands as she spoke, care filling her eyes. "Shhh...Easy now, girl. I won't hurt you." Those hands slid across the pegasus's muzzle and it calmed down to her touch, positioning herself into the wing's span as she continued. "Shhh..."
Alexander was surprised as he asked. "How did she calm it so quickly?"
Lissa was more amazed as she cheered. "That's incredible, Sumia!"

"I've never seen anything like it." Chrom was quite impressed as he folded his arms to Sumia replying.
"Oh, it's... it's nothing. Really. I just have a way with animals, I guess."
"I should say so!" Chrom smiled as Sumia returned the smile.
"You all go ahead. I'll dress her wounds and catch up as soon as we're able."
Chrom nodded as he continued, the chat siding to Chrom and Sumia. "We can make time to wait for you."

"Thank you, Captain. But I can manage. Every moment is precious when all of Ylisse is in danger." After a moment of pause, Chrom agreed.
"Right, then. Be safe, Sumia." She salute as the party continued in their path.
"As you command, sir." She returned to the pegasus and started to dress any and all of the wounds that she could find, involving the leg, a part of the back, and a joint of one of the wings as the party continued on into the frigid domain of warriors and rulers...

I am just asking this as a fan and gamer, should I involve the supports inbetween the chapters, during the chapters themselves, or leave them alone?

Alexander and Christian belong to me while Fire Emblem belongs to Nintendo.
Read and leave a comment, thank you.
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