
Epilogue - Netherworld Endelphia - Valkyrie

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Gwendolyn was destroyed, she had obtained Titrel back from the Fairies and now this had happened. Oswald was gone, Brom is too injured from the Halja and Myris... oh, poor Myris who had watched it happen and was unable to do anything else than try to heal Brom. Gwendolyn wore her dress again and sat on her bed as tears poured down, soaking the material as she sobbed into her hands as Aether entered, down as well as Maire was taken, but decided to see to Gwendolyn as he left Myris to take time to recover, her mind thinking back to Oswald who wanted nothing more than to show that he cared for Gwendolyn and was devastated by this sudden turn of events.

Pulling up a chair, Aether faced Gwendolyn and simply watched, his charge now grieved as she cried in sorrow, unaware of Aether being there as he waited, his heart not completely repaired, but he would manage. He took a breath and spoke. "I am sorry that this has come to pass, truly I am." He only watched as Gwendolyn made no effort of acknowledging the Bullet while he just sat there. "I won't ask of your emotions that have been destroyed with this news, nor would I have any intent to hurt you more, but I will be in the forge if you need of me." Having said his piece, Aether stood back up and headed on out, leaving Gwendolyn to cry. She would have continued if she had run out of tears to weep and stared at Titrel with both grief and sorrow in her redded eyes. Holding it close, she whispered Oswald's name in any hope of saying sorry for her foolish action, if only she hadn't given it to her Father, then she would have...

She stopped and started to breath, looking at the ring once more with hope as a idea started to form, risky it may be, but the only shot she has now as she stood up and dusted off her dress as she headed for the forge, hoping that Aether was still there and as she bursted in, Aether nearly jumped and released the piece of metal from his hand as she strode toward him. "Aether, we need to see my father."

Aether raised an eyebrow as he questioned her decision. "Whatever for?, he is not fit for active duty of war..."

"But not guidance through the Netherworld." Aether dropped the metal, accidentally losing it in the barrel before he wrenched it out of the water within.

"You are not of right mind if you are asking for your father, who might I point out you had left for Oswald and only wants the ring for its power over the Cauldron." Aether placed the metal blade down as he returned the conversation. "What's more, you plan on just asking him to guide you through a maze to the Netherworld so you can do what?"

Gwendolyn's face, stained with the tears she had shed, glared at Aether as she made her point. "I have betrayed Oswald and now I must make amends for it, I refuse to leave him to the hands of the Netherworld's queen!" Aether paused before breathing, rubbing his temples at what was being said.

"It is just madness, what hope do you have to accomplish this feat?"

"My heart and soul..." Aether looked to the side and groaned before standing straight up and speaking.

"Alright, I can't grantee our success, but I may as well help you in this bold crusade." Gwendolyn rushed around and hugged him tight, Aether caught off-guard before returning the motion before she left to get ready, her fire rekindled to fight the depths of the Netherworld. "I swear, she is going to kill me one of these days..."


Dressed in her Valkyrie grabs once more, Gwendolyn headed to depart for Odin's castle when Myris spoke up, concerned of what Gwendolyn planned on doing. "The Halja has gone to the Netherworld..." Walking closer, the Pooka spoke her mind in heartbreak. "A place the living cannot go." Raising her head again, she just stated her knowledge on the matter. "'Tis impossible for you to rescue him."

Gwendolyn shook her head as she made her own remark. "...No. I know of one person who is able to make this possible..."


Gwendolyn turned back in silence before returning with her words. "The Demon Lord... Odin..." Had Gwendolyn turned around, she would have seen Myris's surprise, but she wouldn't stay for long as she headed down the corridors as if in a death march where Aether waited with a wagon to take them to the castle outside, where their next part comes to life...


Aether stayed behind Gwendolyn as he kept behind the Princess as both civilian and warrior greeted them with amazement as they headed up to the castle and through its grand halls, once they had come to the castle to deliver Titrel, now they were here to ask Odin for aid, something like that would not be easy as they entered the throne room where Odin sat, standing up and walking over to them before speaking. "You're looking slightly thinner... I've been waiting for you, Gwendolyn..." It was true that she looked thinner, but that was during her troubled behavior where she wasn't eating as much as she should have. Both knelt down before their king as he continued. "I have heard of your exploits." Where anger would be said, Odin showed none as he commented on Gwendolyn's resolve into the fray of Fairies. "Assaulting the enemy with just one spear..." Continuing, Aether could feel pride in the short amount that was given, but he knew that it would not be enough for their new task. "Retrieving the ring from those cunning and shrewd lasses..." Gripping his fist strong, Odin continued, unaware of what was going to be asked. "As long as we have the power to control the Cauldron, their plans will go awry." Breathing, Odin gazed at Gwendolyn with pride. "You are the most wonderful daughter in the cosmos. You are as precious as that ring." Gwendolyn remained silent as Odin came closer. "Now, present your king with the treasures of victory." Aether listened as Gwendolyn started.

"This ring represents a bond with someone special. I cannot let it go." Odin deflated at this, but continued to listen as Gwendolyn, head still down, spoke her piece. "The reason I have come today is to inquire about how to enter the Netherworld."

"What foolishness is this? Give me the ring." There was no malice or anger in the words, just a sense of puzzlement as Gwendolyn went on.

"You should know, Father, since you travel there to collect crystals." Raising her head a tad, Gwendolyn pressed for more. "Will you please hear my request?" With her, she sounded as if she was begging for the answer. "Please, Father..." Odin stomped past the two and bellowed in rage.

"A daughter that has been banished wishes to make a deal with her father-the king of the nation!?" His giant hand slammed into the door of his throne, sending cracks up it like webs before he looked to the side and pondered, his face worn and tired as if he had no other choice. He looked at the two and sighed as he turned around to face them. "Very well. In exchange for the ring, I shall escort you to the Netherworld's border."

"Father..." Odin stomped closer and looked down on Gwendolyn as he asked once more.

"Now, hand me the ring." However Gwendolyn did not as she shook her head at the request as she stared up to Odin's face who was amazed in her fire.

"...No." Gwendolyn said as she finished with her piece. "Not until I make it back from the Netherworld..." She bowed and headed off and Aether stood as well and looked at the king who looked back to the protector with question.

"I ask you, mighty guardian of my daughter, has her heart opened?"

"My lord, I have little doubt in my mind that she has grew, where once she would have blindly followed orders, now she has found a new reason of existence." Aether bowed to Odin as the two headed off. "True that she has become difficult to handle, her heart and soul are now in order as she has a true meaning now."

"...I thank you, Aether the Bullet, what happens after is of our own volition so I ask you to let me and my daughter deal with the ring after she returns." Placing a giant hand on Aether, Odin merely whispered. "Be safe and ensure that my daughter lives through this."

"I swear by the stars, I will keep Lady Gwendolyn from harm for as long as I can." Soon they headed off to the realm of the Netherworld to save Oswald...


True to its name, the Netherworld was a place filled with nothing but decaying bodies and wandering spirits as they toil under the tyranny of the queen, leaving little room for mistakes. Geists, Haunts, and vengeful animal spirits barred the way with aid from the ground-burrowing Creep, however Aether and Gwendolyn proved to be stronger, even as the terrifying Boltergeist and guardian Halja came to slain them, only to be the victims of the death once more as they pushed on, Maire having been freed from her torture and headed back to the castle to rest as the Halja had taken too much for her to aid the pair as they approached the shrine that served as the queen's throne.


As the two headed deeper, they soon came across glowing jewels and knew that they were on the right track, heading toward the massive shrine with thousands upon thousands of jewels rested under the great shrine, lighting the ceiling of the structure in blue as the two met the ruler of the Netherworld, a undead mistress that valued her vanity and desires as her appearance is that of a woman who lacked pale skin over the bony arms and spine, ferrying a lantern of blue as she sat upon a crescent objected that just hovered off the ground, wearing a darken dress that hid the lower torso while above was trying so hard to cling to keep massive breasts contained as hollow red eyes stared at the coming individuals with a sneer. "How irritating." Sweeping a skeletal hand, the queen continued. "Barging in here without an invitation... you're as arrogant as your father." She then gestures a finger at Gwendolyn who stood unafraid of this abomination. "You, daughter of the petty thief who steals my jewels, don't delude yourself into thinking that you'll leave here alive." Gwendolyn looked down before addressing the corpse tyrant.

"Great Queen of the Dead..." She hesitated as she wished for strength, but Aether could not move on account of staying out of normal discussions. "Please let Oswald go... Please return my husband."

Odette, however, laughed at the request and smugly addressed the same. "...Well, well. So you've come running after your master like a lapdog." Aether did not like the tone that Odette used to address Gwendolyn, but that was far from his mind as a giant skeletal hand descended from a shadowed portion of ceiling, clutching the very thing that they came for."

"Oswald!" Gwendolyn reached out as the Shadow Knight laid in the palm of the large hand, unconscious and looking somewhat drained as Odette spoke once more.

"His life has been given to me in exchange for power." Directing both to her, the Queen of the Dead pressed further. "He walks along the abyss of eternal death while serving alongside me." As in scorn, Odette smirked at Gwendolyn as if it gave joy to see the broken soul of Gwendolyn. "He was pledged to be mine before he ever met you." Aether readied his hand as Ragnell hummed in his hands, prepared to strike down the vengeful queen. "You are a nuisance to us. Allow me to personally establish your life."

Gwendolyn raised her spear as she pointed her weapon, her extension, at Odette. "The Valkyrie do not fear death. And if death cannot be avoided, then I welcome my fate." Gwendolyn now held fire in her soul, a fire that refused to back down, she had come too far to fail now. "...But losing Oswald to you is more painful than death itself."

"So you say..." Odette spoke as the hand receded back to its place as the Queen continued. "You have no idea." Glancing at the spear, Odette was smug to a great extent, as if she was untouched to begin with. "What do you plan to do with that spear made from my jewels?" Waving her hand in a sweep, Odette gestured to the crystals that littered the ground in glee. "Look around you. Many souls merge together to become crystals, then return to the world above." Odette just smiled at the pair as if she now controls them. "You're risking your very soul by playing with that spear." The air started to grow heavy as Odette floated out of the shadows. "And now, the time has come to receive your punishment..." Aether was quick in rolling right as Gwendolyn took flight when Odette summoned forth animal ghouls to fight for her while the lantern shot forth blue fire to strike the pair as they now had a problem.

Aether needed room to fire, yet the ghouls were a menace as he could easily be swarmed without mercy for spirits that attacks cannot touch unless they are affected by a wandering candle holder or revealed with a Shine potion. He could not ask Gwendolyn to aid him, but it was fine as he reached into his pack and pulled out a meduim-powered Shine and tossed it, its light stunning Odette for but a moment and the spirits were shattered from the burst. That stun opened Odette as Gwendolyn rushed the corpse, Needle storm unleashed as the queen felt the sting, before retreating to the shadows, appearing behind them as she performed a stationary back flip.

Aether quickly jumped as two scythes flew at them in a rotation roll before dealing with more of Odette's pet servants including several Ghasts, Gwendolyn facing the same as Odette started to fade back again and Aether looked to find her, rolling out of the way as spider legs sudden thrust at him from the darkness before the Odette reappeared with a laugh before revealing the most terrifying thing Aether will ever see in weeks.

'Oh heck no..." His face paled at the sight that Odette, the Queen of the Netherworld, was ferrying herself on the body of a giant spider that crawled forward with enormous legs or was it that the spider was actually part of her whole being. "She is a freaking black widow, no wonder her vessels don't survive..." Shaking that out, he dashed forth and unleashed his ultimate skill, a flurry of arcane bolts that riddled Odette in quick succession before leaping high again and slamming down with his axe, blasting the legs completely off as Gwendolyn performed her own, her spear growing to giant size and a pair of magical lances joined the battle as they clashed together and unleashed a massive burst of energy that pierced Odette's body as she fidgeted at the massive wound that slashed straight through her torso.

"Aah..." Odette howled as she clutched the open wound, bloodless, but was a killing blow to her as she started to speak through the pain. "Both the living and the dead could exist in this land because I bridged the gap between these two worlds." Aether's eyes glowed with understanding as it would make sense, Odette could not risk leaving her world to spread terror and she had ample chances to kill robbers for her jewels, but she had tried to avoid taking too much as the Netherworld and Erion were connected through her. "Now those that are still alive will forever be barred from entering." She groaned as the wound appeared to be festering, Oswald dropped behind Odette, but neither chose to move as both listened to the dying queen. "The path will close, and all ties to your world will be severed." She fell to the ground in a bend as Gwendolyn approached, Aether close behind as the ending was coming. "Death shall become more horrifying and abominable than ever before." Aether could have blanked it out, but as the queen started to faded, she left one final sentence. "When the world sees its demise, remember the fury that you unleashed."

With that, Odette died as her skin was ripped off, her bones being absorbed by the shadows as Gwendolyn watched it all happen with uncertainty before the place started to rumble, a sign that the Netherworld was collapsing, its passages to Erion breaking as Gwendolyn quickly rushed over to Oswald, calling his name as she took hold of his arm. "Oswald!" Aether did the same and gauged that they would never make it out in time when someone saved them.

"Gwendolyn, hold on!" Both looked and King Odin was zooming toward them with remarkable speed, Aether jumping onto Odin's back as Gwendolyn and Oswald was lifted by Odin as he zoomed through the Netherworld's darkness and toward their entrance, the way closing as Ragnanival soon came into sight...

In the halls of the palace, Odin looked toward the open window to the entrance that he once used to enter the Netherworld a thousand times as Aether and Gwendolyn hovered over Oswald who was still unconscious since his rescue. "The Netherworld has been sealed... The only way to enter that land now is to accept death; there is no other way."

Aether listened when he noticed Oswald, his color returning as he got up from the marble floor, his eyes seeing where he was now as Gwendolyn, her heart alight with his awakening, stood up and greeted him. "Oswald... You're awake." She rested a hand on her chest as he nodded, Odin speaking again, noticing Oswald as well.

"The only thing that can overcome death is pure love." Aether was glad, but resigned himself as Odin continued, his hand raised as if to shake against the heavens. "I can no longer collect crystals from the Netherworld." He then glanced to Gwendolyn as the words continued. "But, if I can regain the ring and the Cauldron, I have no need for them." Oswald's head fell as Odin finished with palm stretched out. "Fulfill your promise. Give me the ring." The voice carried no bitterness nor malice, Odin had asked with truth that Gwendolyn had done such a thing for Oswald.

"This..." Gwendolyn's voice found purchase as she glanced at Titrel, now what it meant to her, not a tool of war or a prize to give, but a mark of her many deeds and who gave her that ring that she fought for. "This is a symbol of Oswald's love." Oswald watched her with curious nature as Odin, though seemingly defeated, lowered his hand as his daughter continued, gripping her hand tight with the ring upon her finger. "Right now, it represents all I am." She walked past Oswald as Aether simply watched, Ragnell resting on the ground with its tip down on the marble. Gwendolyn took it further as she glanced up to her father, the mighty king and spoke. "If you take this away, there will be nothing left of me." She posed herself in defiance, hand on chest as she spoke the truth that she had gained. "If you must take it, my life must be taken too."

Oswald murmured a quiet 'Gwendolyn' before Odin shouted in rage, but it was a face to Aether. "Stop this nonsense!" He glared with fire as it prove a point, but what point was there to see for Aether to draw understanding from, it was a quarrel of who was more true. "What you believe to be 'everything' is merely an illusion. You are married because I ordered it." Odin attempted to stomp away when Gwendolyn spoke again, shaking her head at the words.

"Love is an illusion to begin with." Oswald looked down as Gwendolyn pushed on for a answer. "I do not fear losing honor, but I am terrified of losing this illusion."

Odin whipped back around and shouted. "You fool! Are you saying that you will sacrifice your life and your pride just for love!?" He approached with a fist raised to punch Gwendolyn, when Oswald stepped forth, resolve restored in his body as he glared down the king, the fist dropping as Oswald took the front.

"Stop it! Do you really want to do this to your own child!?" Odin paused before turning around, his will slowly stopped as he mutter his case.

"This is unforgivable..." He looked to the side in defeat. "You are ruining my plans. But my dear beloved daughter..." He stomped some distance before turning back around, arms stretched out at the fact that he was weak and had lost his strength over her. "Look at your father. I am powerless against your decisions." The arms dropped as he continued. "If I am to be any kind of father, I must show you compassion." Aether watched as the old king, defeated by both physical and emotional means turned his head to the side and finished. "Do as you wish."


"Silence! Speak no more, disloyal one." With that, King Odin stomped past the two before him and turned his head to Oswald as he issued a request rather than a order. "Holder of the Belderiver, I entrust my daughter to you." As the pair nodded to each other, Aether watched as Odin, having pasted him as well, stopped and spoke. "As I recall, you were a talented fighter in the court of stars so I would... like to ask of you."

"Milord, you placed my being in the most valued position in the kingdom, I served as such to protect your daughter and I will accept your command if you wish of me..." Aether breathed as he spoke. "...But like her, I have also found something to hold onto, something that I want to protect, to live with, and to be guarded by it. Not many men and women have that such devotion in their lives, my king."

Odin was silent before speaking. "I accept your choice..."

"What do you wish me to be, my lord?" Odin paused, believing that Aether had rejected him, but smiled as he gave his command to the young protector.

"Aether the Bullet, for your gallant services of protecting my daughter, for fighting alongside your countrymen and for your devotion to both me and yourself, I, King Odin, proclaim you as Grand Marshal of Ragnanival's forces, do you accept this request of honor?" Aether simply smiled as he had the chance, the right to lead where he can and command with ease. In his heart, he fancied a smith life, but realized that he would never be one forever as he had done so much more and felt it in his soul, he was ready.

"By your will, I lead your people to victory and honor..."

With the lack of Aether, Gwendolyn returned back to the castle and got back into her dress, her silver hair flowing out as she strode past to the open turret that was Oswald's, breathing as she slowly walked forth as Maire saw and departed as Oswald turned, a slight smile on his face that made him glow to her as he started. "Gwendolyn..." Her head down, but not in depress instead focus as Oswald continued. "It pains me to keep you with me, knowing that you have such conflicting feelings..." His head dropped as he continued, feeling some remorse for putting her through so much. "But even though I knew this, I could not stop myself from pursuing you."

Gwendolyn shook his head as she rested a hand on her chest, starting her part. "Oswald..." Her cheeks glowed red as she walked a step forward. "I do not mind if my emotions have been caused by a spell..." She stepped closer as she made herself more to him. "If I can be by your side, I will endure any hardship."

Oswald placed a gloved hand over his heart as he stepped forth, causing Gwendolyn to take one step back. "You are a shining star that lit my way as I roamed the darkened earth." Gwendolyn's hands rested on her chest as Oswald's hand continued its place. "Until I met you, my heart was empty." He walked right toward her and gripped her arms, pulling her over to him as her right hand landed on the left arm plate of his armor, looking down to hide her face that glowed bright in the night. "But now it is different. I have experienced both happiness and fear." Oswald breathed as he smoothed a hand across that beautiful face that had captured his heart and brought him to light. "Happiness in experiencing the light that is your love... and fear of losing it-a light that is more precious than life itself."

Gwendolyn glanced up as she finished the trail of thought that came to light. "It will never disappear. My love will shine like the stars forever..." As her head started to drop, Oswald pulled her in, their lips meeting before they embraced each other in the quiet of night, her lips speaking final words into the night. "Please... don't let me go..." In the void of night, neither noticed a blue bird fly into the night, the bird that was believed to be of Gwendolyn's mind...

"Get the dwarves to work, we may not be able to invade Fairyland and their grounds, but we will sure as any keep them out of Ragnanival." Aether strolled in the day as he commanded the Dwarves to work, their potions, bombs, gyro-copters, and battleships put down to paper and pen for future references before turning his attention to the Valkyries. "Start drilling your recruits on proper Valkyrie conduct, I want those girls ready at a drop of a hat, understood!?"

"Yes sir!" The Leaders ran off as Aether continued his commands, preparing Ragnanival for any invasions while also taking the time to read over his nation's belief of Armageddon and cross-referencing it with others, Titanian and Valentinian records as well to get a better grip as Odette's final words haunted his mind. 'When the world sees its demise, remember the fury that you unleashed?, That is very cryptic as if she was sure that with her death, another will take her place and lead the dead into this world.' His mind bounced on the fact as he pondered his guesses on the meaning. "Surely, there must be someone down there to be a horror in this world, someone that Odette wanted to keep in chains..." Suddenly, he stopped and found what he needed, a Lord of the Dead and a old reference to one of the royal kings, turned madness and slain as the histories will never tell and his daily visits of Maire proved his point as he stared at the name in concern...

King of Titania, King Gallon...
And thus ends Gwendolyn's story and Cornelius is soon to come as the Pooka Prince is sure to come...
As always, Odin Sphere does not belong to me and I just own the OCs and their interacts with the story.
© 2016 - 2024 Zeretg
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